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Schedule a free consultation and if you purchase one of Stephanie's programs, your first class is absolutely free!

​The MANY Benefits of Exercise:

Your Brain: It helps reduce stress, anxiety, improves mood, helps with sleep, may improve libido.


Your Heart: Your heart is a muscle! Cardiovascular training lowers your resting heartrate, imporves your heart's blood output, and reduces blood pressure.


Your Arteries: Exercise helps keep the artery walls plastic. Hardening of the arteries causes a slew of problems. It reduces LDL and increases HDL.


Your Lungs: It improves lung capacity, it helps get in sync with the heart while performing cardiovascular exercise. The more you exercise, the more oxygen-rich blood gets circulated through your body.


Your Liver: Excercise improves liver function, and because your liver is your body's metabolizer of fat and protein, as well as a filter for your blood it is essential to have a happy liver.


Your Skeletal  Muscles: The more you exercise the more your muscles work with your central nervous system in order to increase your strength. The more you exercise, the more energy you have due to the increased amount of mitochondria present, and subsequently more ATP production.


Your bones: Weight bearing activity to include lifting weights and jogging helps maintain your bone strength. Keeps osteoporosis at bay.


Your self-esteem: When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you look good. Everyone deserves to be confident and to live the best life possible!


​You are What you Eat.

There is a quote floating around that states, "What you eat in secret today you wear in public tomorrow."


The food you eat literally become a part of your body. The protein and amino acids you consume become part of your muscle and organs when they need to be repaired. The sugar you eat is converted to glucose and is used to fuel your muscles, body cells, and brain. The fat you eat is broken down into fatty acids and is also used by your brain as well as your cells for energy.


So, you ARE what you eat.... Now, what is it that you are eating?

​Goals. Goals. Goals.  
           Which are yours?
-Are you getting married soon?
-Do you have a family or high school  
reunion in the near future?
-Are you eyeballing that bathing suit?
-Do you just want to get healthy?

You can do it, baby!

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